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The Green Expo 2009

Sustainable and Green Resources

hard economic times?
If the answer is yes - we want to include you on this website.

Planet Green Earth is a l Resource Web Portaldedicated to providing help across a broad range of need- from those facing foreclosure and eviction, feeding their families or living on the street, to struggling small businesses, retirees who are wondering how they will survive and the average guy who is facing the prospects of getting by with a lot less.
America has incredible resources, a generous heart, and the creativity and entrepreneurialism to see us through today’s serious economic challenges.  We are connecting America’s resources with those who need them.
This web portal represents your opportunity to reach out, to present your offerings, to highlight an adjusted value proposition, or to demonstrate your company’s generosity and commitment to help by doing what you can for those who sorely need it.


Volunteer! We are looking for volunteers in all areas, at all levels of experience. Join our team and be part of the change!

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